All items in groups are available for purchase either as a group or individually. If you would like to purchase individual items from a group, there are links to each item's listing within the group listing.
Some items may appear in more than one group.
New groups will be added daily, but there are an infinite number of possibilities. Please do not hesitate to call or text us at 845 480 0841 or email us at if you would like suggestions or are interested in obtaining an instant collection.
Two bowls by Bengt Berglund for Gustavsberg, Sweden
$1,135.00 USD
Artist Bengt Berglund
Four miniature vessels by Gunnar Nylund for Rorstrand, Sweden
$1,360.00 USD
Artist Gunnar Nylund
Nils Landberg for Orrefors, Sweden, three sommerso vases.
$1,380.00 USD
Artist Nils Landberg
Three blue carved vases by Josef Ekberg for Gustavsberg, Sweden
$2,500.00 USD
Artist Josef Ekberg
Two Finnish glass vases by Kaj Franck and Tapio Wirkkala
$1,330.00 USD
Artist Tapio Wirkkala
Two bottle vases by Annikki Hovisaari for Arabia, Finland
$2,600.00 USD
Artist Annikki Hovisaari
Group of vases with cobalt blue glaze by Palshus, Denmark
$4,565.00 USD
Artist Palshus
Group of turquoise vases by Nils Kahler for Kahler Keramik, Denmark
$1,415.00 USD
Artist Nils Kähler
Two vases with blue glaze by Erich and Ingrid Triller for Tobo, Sweden
$2,165.00 USD
Artist Tobo
Three faience vessels by Stig Lindberg for Gustavsberg
$2,430.00 USD
Artist Stig Lindberg
Group of cabinet vases by Stig Lindberg for Gustavsberg, Sweden
$2,055.00 USD
Artist Stig Lindberg
Group of small vases by Stig Lindberg for Gustavsberg, Sweden
$2,515.00 USD
Artist Stig Lindberg
Group of miniatures by Berndt Friberg for Gustavsberg, Sweden
$2,200.00 USD
Artist Berndt Friberg