Group of vases by Kaj Franck for Nuutäjarvi-Nottsjö

$3,635.00 USD

Artist Kaj Franck

Kaj Franck for Nuutäjarvi-Nottsjö, Finland

1.Flattened conical "Sommerso" vase in gray encased in clear glass, 1961.
Height 6 3/4" (17cm) Width 6 3/4" (17cm)
Acid painted "K. Franck Nuutajarvi Nottsjo -61"
$650 N8427 Enquire about this item only

2. Unique flattened conical vase, blue gray glass cased in clear, 1967.
Height 6 1/2" (16.5cm) Width 6 1/2" (16.5cm)
Engraved "K. Franck Nuutäjarvi-Notsjö -67"
$385 N5969 Enquire about this item only

3. "Prisma" vase in yellow and blue-green glass, 1962.
Height 8 3/4" (22cm) Width 6" (15cm) Depth 3 1/8" (8cm)
Engraved "K. Franck Nuutajarvi Nottsjo -62".
$2600 A1966 Enquire about this item only

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